Sakib Chowdhury

Sakib Chowdhury

I am a PhD student at Stevens Institute of Technology. My research is focused on studying robot motion control in complex dynamic environments. I am working under the supervision of Dr. Yi Guo. I have also been working as a Machine Learning Engineer at Celloscope since December 2021. I have completed my bachelors at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). I have also worked as part-time research assistant at Department of Computer Science, BUET.
My research interest lies in the intersection of Robotics and Machine Learning. My detailed resume can be found HERE.


  • 09/2024 ---- Joined as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for the course ENGR 245: Circuits and Systems
  • 12/2023 ---- "A Simulated Intelligent Pixelated Electrode Array for Surface Electromyography Sensors" Published at IEEE Sensors Journal
  • 12/2023 ---- "SynthNID: Synthetic Data to Improve End-to-end Bangla Document Key Information Extraction" Published at EMNLP Bangla Language Processing Workshop
  • 09/2023 ---- Received Provost's Doctoral Fellowship award
  • 09/2023 ---- Joined Stevens Institute of Technology as a PhD student in robotics
  • 08/2022 ---- "SpectroCardioNet: An Attention Based Deep Learning Network Using Triple-Spectrograms of PCG Signal for Heart Valve Disease Detection" Published at IEEE Sensors Journal
  • 06/2022 ---- "SHONGLAP: A Large Bengali Open-Domain Dialogue Corpus" published at LREC
  • 05/2022 ---- Promoted to full time research engineer at Celloscope
  • 12/2021 ---- Joined Celloscope as a part time research engineer


  • 2024-Present
  • Stevens Institute of Technology
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant
  • I have joined as a graduate teaching assistant for the course ENGR 245: Circuits and Systems. I will be teaching AC and DC circuits to the students.
  • 2023-2024
  • Stevens Institute of Technology
  • Graduate Research Fellow
  • Studied motion planning and control of robotic arm in complex environments. My research was focused on bridging the gap between ideal and practical physics with the help of learning based systems. This work was partially supported by the US National Science Foundation.
  • 2021-2023
  • Celloscope
  • Machine Learning Engineer (AI)
  • We have developed the first voice banking system in Bangladesh here at Celloscope. It is a voice-enabled system that allows users to do regular banking tasks (such as balance transfer and balance inquiry) just by using their voice. The responses are also generated as a synthetic voice in order to provide a voice-to-voice conversation experience. This system is currently integrated into the voice banking app of Agrani Bank. We have also developed a production-grade license plate detection and recognition system at Celloscope which is deployed at a toll plaza in Bangladesh. Our developed system uses document understanding transformers instead of traditional convolutional OCR systems. Document Understanding Transformers are multimodal systems that allow querying on the information in a jpeg file.
  • 2021-2022
  • Department of CSE, BUET
  • Research Assistant (Part-Time)
  • We have developed a system that detects derailment from upto 1200 meters distance by sensing the vibrations generated from the movement of train. Dr. A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Professor, Department of CSE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) is the supervisor of this project.
  • 2020-2021
  • Adorsho Pranisheba
  • Intern Engineer (IoT)
  • During my internship period, I was involved in the development of BOLUS - a cattle health monitoring tool for milk farms. BOLUS is a small piece of hardware that is placed inside the stomach of domestic cows and it stays there for 5 years. During its lifespan, it sends movement data, temperature information, and other health-related data of cows to a remote server where an AI system identifies the current health condition of the herd.



  • 2017-Present
  • IEEE
  • Member

Award &

  • Industrial Automation Challenge 2017 (BUET Robotics Society)
  • Champion
  • The problem statement for the competition was to design a robotic arm with visual capability to identify the shape of objects coming through a convayer belt. Moreover, the arm had to sort the objects based on their shapes. Our team outperformed all the other teams by successfully completing without any error.