Projects > Privacy preserving GPS with open street map interface


This project was a part of micro-processor lab course during 4th year of my undergraduate program at BUET. The system efficiently incorporated IoT and web frameworks to establish an interesting tracking system.
This project has two separate aspects. The first one is the electrical part. And the second one is the software part.
Electrical Part requires the following components:
And the software part includes:

All the necessary codes are available here.
There GPS_MQTT directory contains the firmware for ESP8266. Change the MQTT host address, username and password.You can use any MQTT broker such as adafruit_io or mosquitto CLI.

The Django server contains the python scripts. Install paho-mqtt. Install postgres. Check the "requirement.txt" file to setup the virtual environment. Run django server. You must run djangoServer/MapHandler/MQTT_filewrite/ this file in separate terminal.